As some of you may know, I play basketball (albeit badly...) on Tuesday nights. Its a pick up social game at the local PCYC and each week, the teams are made up with whoever turns up. For the last few years there has been a core of about 13-15 of us playing a 5 a-side game. this means there is a sub for those nights its just too hot to run in the Queensland heat, you ate too much dinner before you came or your mobile rings while you are on the court! (We play for fun, not sheep stations!) This year we have had twenty or so players turning up each night. The PCYC is ok to give us two courts and to have 2 games going on at the same time but we discovered that we can't tell who is on whose team as they change each week! We had been given some netball bibs many years ago and so we had enough for one team - thus making us bibs v non-bibs each week. With two games playing now - we need a better solution and so I made up these 'sashes' for us to wear out of old sheets from the o...